Dates for your diary 2024

Wednesday 7th February

Friendship lunch 12.30 for 13:00. Soup and cake £6, everyone welcome, please invite your friends.

Friday 23rd February 

Quiz night 19:30 pm start. Pea and pie supper or cheese and biscuits. Bookings nearer the time.

 Sunday 24th March  

Sunday lunch 12-30 for 13:00. £8 for adults and £3 for children. Please let me know if you can come and what you can do by 19th March.

Saturday 13th April

Mosaic workshop, please let Beccy know if you are interested

Wednesday 17th April  

Friendship lunch, soup and cake, £6, everyone welcome, please invite your friends.

Sunday 19th May 

Early morning bird walk followed by brunch in the hall.

 Details to follow.

Saturday 15th June    

BFST Gala  to be held at Felixkirk. Details to follow

Saturday 17th August 

Village show, we will try to get the schedule out early so you can prepare. Most of the fruit and veg will be the same as usual.

There will be BBQ and games on the field in the evening

We are also trying to arrange some craft classes. Needle felting, willow weaving etc.

Hope you can join us at these events